Show X - Episode 297 - Dub a wub wub

Ken and Wayne are back and ready to party in spite of a broken SAM broadcaster. Ken went for a bit of a walk about with his mates around Scotland. He road tripped, camped and had some adventures. Wayne shares his opinion of the newer Disney live action Beauty and the Beast. He also injured himself dancing to all of the Dub Steps with La Camp-Et.
For Geek Cred, Ken brings up Prey 2 for discussion, he is still playing Diablo III and is still waiting for the difficulty to kick in, and Ken is continuing to automate everything he can in his life with technology. Wayne found ways to update his camera lens' firmware, he is working on cosplay for Anime North next week and continues to get fit for his Tales of Zestiria costume. Wayne also wants everyone to check out Tom Badguy's twitch channel, he has been streaming a lot and is very entertaining.
In the Geek-O-Scope, Final Fantasy XV shows what could be possible if it were available on PC, a new expansion is teased for World of Warcraft, Overwatch is popular in porn, Geeks like to drink as well, and Destiny 2 may be coming to the PC!

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