Welcome to the Small Screen Spoiler Show episode 60! I'm CJ "Betsy tough-love" Boat, he's Jarred "the American in you is so optimistic" Azevedo.
Audio Content from Darrell "the devil with the yellow eyes" Shayler.
Today's shows are:
Man in the High Castle
S2E8: Loose Lips
S1E1: Chapter 1
S1E2: Chapter 2
S1E3: Chapter 3
S1E4: Chapter 4
Lemony Snicket season 2
Renewals & Cancellations
Contact: Geekioshow@gmail.com
Twitter: @Geekioshow
Call us: 727-489-4335, that's 727-489-GEEK
Website: www.geek-io.net/spoilershow
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Hitler Dies at the End
OG Nazis
Japanese Headquarters
I'm the Fuhrer now!
Nazi backpack
Internet Troll Personified
Updated David Bowie
Check your boobs
Afro Mick Jagger and his Creepy Eye
Knockoff Jeff Goldblum
The Angriest Little Blob In The World
Egyptian King and Angry Girl
70s Beatnik Hipster Weirdo
The coffee maker's voice sounds familiar
Captain Nemo and his Ice Cube
Episode: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/spoilershow/2017/03/15/episode-60-hitler-dies-at-the-end.mp3