Episode: https://trekcast.podbean.com/mf/feed/a2mddg/TrekcastSupplement9.mp3
Trekcast Sci-fi Supplement9: Maquis BBQ
Welcome to another installment of the sci-fi supplement, this week we discuss a little Battlestar Galactica, Kirks torn shirt and Starbucks tatoo. Then in our listener email 's we talk about the best Star Trek uniforms out there and where to get them. Then Alicia reads part 3 of the path to 2409 for the all new Star Trek MMO form Cryptic studios. Just to wrap it up nicely we add this last little morsel of Trek goodness for you from Star Trek: Intrepid. So there it is another great episode of Trekcast for your listening pleasure, Thanks for listening and please dont forget to tell your friends write those reviews and let us know what you love about the show on the Trekcast forums.