Welcome Trekcasters to the next all new exciting episode of well, Trekcast episode 69 DUDE!! This week we are all back to normal, as normal as we get anyway there are no Cons going on in the area so we are back in the studio recording once again. This week we answer your Subspace Signals on all things Trek and you know how much we love your emails so keep them coming. We also tackle one of our favorite episode types the Best of Trek. Since Davis is headed back into the delta quadrant to watch some Voyager we are gonna talk about one of my favorite episodes Tuvix (thanks by the way to all of the suggestions form my twitter buddies, you know who you are)
Also on this weeks episode we talk a little about what we refer to as the Star Trek grass roots movement with all the local improv shows, small batch products such as Mondos impossible to get Star Trek posters and even some cool wallets. Also the great comic strip Ensign Sue Must Die as well as the many great fan films floating around out there.
We are also proud to announce we are teaming up with the folks over at Trek Expo to give away four pairs of tickets for the Hollywood Expo at The Hilton in Universal Studios on October 15 thru the 17. All you have to do is write us an email to Trekcast@gmail.comwith subject line Trek Expo tickets, and let us know why you want the tickets make it funny, smart, and challenge our mental capacity. we will let the winners know via email oh and you should definitely be able to attend.
Well thanks once again for lending us your Vulcan ears and enjoying this weeks Trekcast we will be back soon Live, Long, and Prosper.
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Episode: https://trekcast.podbean.com/mf/feed/hug6t5/Trekcast_Episode69.mp3