ATGN 26 - A Show About Walking

This week on ATGN, we had Paul Kizior (@porusan) our local LotR Historian, talking about the new movie The Hobbit and its glory. We also talked a lot about RPG gaming and how to introduce someone new to the community to it. Chris broadcasted live from WV Pop Con, but unfortunately we lost him to the bandwidth eaters of the universe. Our Rumble Pit was Legolas vs Gimli, who do you think won?

You can follow us on Facebook at, on Twitter at @ATGNPodcast, or using iTunes or Stitcher radio you can hear our audio side. Don't forget you can also leave a message on our Google Voice line: 304-806-ATGN.  Leave us some comments and let us know what you think!

Our hosts this week:

The Adahy: @theadahy  or

Chris: @RoundTableNerds or

Naki: @1nerdycupcake or

And our guest host

Paul Kizior: @porusan

We'll see you next week with our guest host Cathy Kammer!
