ATGN 074a - We Love Marvel Too

This week Stephen from 5 Seconds In The Paint joins us to talk nerdy.  We'll talk the news of the week specifically the updates on the DC and Harley Quinn controversy.  After that we cover the Fast and the Furious franchise before going into some more movie news.  We're all over the map again folks!

Look for us LIVE Sunday mornings (11 AM EST) by checking out, where you will be either to participate via IRC chat. We are also always available via Twitter (@ATGNPodcast) Facebook ( or our ATGN Hotline at 304-806-ATGN. Don't forget we are a part of the Gonna Geek Network now!

Our Hosts This Week: 

Chris - @RoundTableNerds 

Naki - @1nerdycupcake

Adahy - @TheAdahy

Stephen - @Stephen_Gertz

Admin Note: There was an error in the last version of the podcast we put out and you only got about 30 minutes of the show.  If you were an early downloader you should have been the only folks that missed out.  This post has the full show and the old post has been edited to as well.  Sorry guys!
