ATGN 066 - Comic Con News

This week Tony from the Blank Show Cast and Chemical X Show joins us to talk Comic Con news.  Big news points include the new Batman/Superman film and the addition of Ultron as the 'big bad' in The Avengers 2. Sorry guys, no games this week just tons of Comic Con talk!

Look for us LIVE Sunday mornings (11 AM EST) by checking out, where you will be either to participate via IRC chat. We are also always available via Twitter (@ATGNPodcast) Facebook ( or our ATGN Hotline at 304-806-ATGN. Don't forget we are a part of the Gonna Geek Network now!

Our Hosts This Week:
Chris - @RoundTableNerds
Naki - @1nerdycupcake

Adahy - @TheAdahy

Tony - @Boots_33
