ATGN 021 - Number Awesome

This week on All Things Good and Nerdy, Naki is back and brings with her the resident Tabletop Champion Ryan Numrich. We kicked things off by talking about Star Trek, with Worf's new TV show, Homeland Security talked to us about the Zombie Apocalypse, and Stan Lee's least favorite Marvel Movies. Naki gave us a background rundown of Star Wars Celebration and PAX Prime.

We had a good discussion about Video Game Piracy and the upcoming Borderlands game, along with the upcoming new technology. Did you miss us live? Check us out on YouTube at or on iTunes or Stitcher. Leave us comments and let us know what you think!  Don't forget you can call us and leave a message at 304-806-ATGN.

Check out our hosts!

Adahy: or @theadahy on Twitter

Chris: or @RoundTableNerds on Twitter

Naki: or @1nerdycupcake on Twitter

Ryan: or @plus2cents on Twitter

Thanks for tuning in!
