Chris and Adahy did the unthinkable and brought up Michael Bay more than once, thus proving that the 4th Transformers movie is going to be made. This time, we're going to space!
We weighed in on LucasArts new first person shooter, and if it will be a new Battlefront, or a brand new line of Star Wars games. We also talked about how Halo 4 will have surface tablet integration. The announcement of the newest Batman game being set in the Golden Age Batman era took hold, with Mark Hamill saying he will not return as The Joker, who do you think will be up for the big villain in this game?
We would like to thank our guest host Peter for joining us. You can follow him on Twitter at @ChiTownSpidey!
ATGN would also like to have you vote for Michelle, who is in a costume contest for her Steampunk Poison Ivy costume (which looks amazing!) to meet William Shatner. She has told us she'll get an ATGN Sign signed for us, so help us help her help us (yeah, thats right!) get us Captain Kirk Certified! You can vote for here here:
Our crew this week is the usual suspects:
Naki- @1nerdycupcake
Chris- @RoundTableNerds
Adahy @TheAdahy
Thanks for tuning in! Be sure to leave us reviews, questions and comments, we want to hear from you! You can reach us on @ATGNPodcast, Facebook, or Google Voice (304-806-ATGN).
The shownotes can be found on Google Docs.