This week we continued with our E3 wrap up. The first half of the show was dedicated to discussing E3 revelations and impressions. To start off was the news of Microsoft's Smart Glass app for tablets and smartphones. On top of that was the announcement from Microsoft that the Xbox 360 should have a life through 2014.
Other gaming topics included Final Fantasy VII coming to the PS Vita and Apple stating they would not be entering the console gaming arena. We also learned early this morning that some League of Legends servers were hacked potentially compromising PII. If you play, make sure your info is safe and change your passwords!
Probably the most fun part was giving Adahy a chance to respond to the EA and Valve confrontation over price cuts. His opinion is well worth hearing and I won't spoil it.
Before moving into the movie and TV show topics we discussed the fact there are still 'zombie-like' episodes occurring throughout the world. Its freaky as all hell!
There was a lot of news about upcoming movies. The Dark Knight Rises has a runtime announced and DC has announced they have greenlit more superhero movies. The question is, are these the smart movie choices? There was also a discussion on the new Pixar movie Wreck it Ralph.
That wasn't everything we talked about but its the highlights of the show. The panel this week consisted of:
The Adahy - or @TheAdahy
Chris - or @RoundTableNerds
Naki - or @1nerdycupcake
This week also featured special guest host Cody, @ProducerCody or on Facebook.
Thanks to Cody for guest hosting, we really appreciate it!
It was a fun panel this week. Next week everyone should be back and we'll have another guest host. Remember if you're interested in guest hosting let us know!