Season 03 Episode 30

Welcome to the final episode of season 3! Rob is traveling to some fun destination, so we are going to do a Bring Your Own Beer night!

To The Pint

JeremyBeer 1: Consecration from Russian River Brewing - 10% ABV
This sour beer is aged in cabernet barrels with currants. This one was bottled 9/17/15, and has aged well. Very fine bubbles, almost like Champagne. - 10/10Beer 2: Westfalia Red Ale from Fort Point Brewing - 5.6% ABVKeithBeer 1: Local 1 from Brooklyn Brewing Company - 9.0% ABV
This is a Belgian-inspired strong golden ale. Damn tasty. Similar to Duval; rich, malty, hoppy golden fruity finish. Very strong head. - 8/10GaryBeer 1: Benford Brewing O'SOO Oyster Stout - 5.1%
Not bad. A good head, coffee flavors. Made with whole oysters and oatmeal. - 8/10

Pint Taken

Gary is in South Carolina for work, and found Pour Taproom - a tap room that is self-serve by the ounce. Cubs win the series for the first time in 108 years!
Cubs fan opens a 32-year old beer to celebrate the win!PBR and free pizza? Sign me up!

Half Pints

Jeremy:Calibre ebook library - iTunes for your ebooks.Keith:  Facebook allows you to unfollow, without unfriending!e-sports - Blizzcon is this weekend!Gary:Transparent (TV series) - Gary has not watched it, but his wife binged watched it so he recommends it.

If you want to leave feedback, give us a call at 585-496-4864, contact us on ourAsk Us Anything page, or send email to You can find us on Twitter:

@pnrshow@wolfmank (Keith)@rebrob (Rob)@jeremybrooks (Jeremy)@alwaysbreaking (Gary)

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Thanks to The Poxy Boggards for the theme song, and to RoboBoogie for the awesome logo!