John Horstmann and Sharku join the crew for this week's show (mainly on Overwatch).
Overwatch went live this week, so the guys jump straight into the Battlenet News for stories surrounding the launch. The joys, the salt, and the community interest in this fantastic game have been incredible over the last few days, so the crew dives in to discuss many different aspects of Overwatch.
Since the last CtR, World of Warcraft's next expansion has gone into beta development, allowing even more people to see what's in store for Legion. While this episode doesn't go into any depth on the gameplay, the guys are planning future shows as we head toward the August 30th launch.
One item did stick out this last week, as Ion "Watcher" Hazzikostas took to the forums in another Developer Watercooler discussion on PvP gear in Legion. Instead of resilience or PvP Power, the devs are making PvE gear and PvP gear THE SAME. How will this affect those who have chosen one aspect over the other, or does it even matter? Will this finally help WoW PvP stand on even footing with raiding?
Plus the Warcraft movie hype is real, Chromie lands in the Nexus, and Diablo 3 turns 4 and more!
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