Season 03, Episode 05

Tonight we dive into a beer that started as a homebrew, and ended up being brewed by one of the great craft brewers, Stone. Xocoveza is a winter spiced mocha stout.

To The Pint

Jeremy - Smells like Mexican hot chocolate. Spices don't detract from it. Balanced flavors. Delicious stout. 9/10Keith - Thick, creamy texture that reminds me of chocolate. Really like the smoothness in here. 9/10Rob - If Snape were to make a batch of polyjuice potion, it would probably taste like this. 1/10Gary - Probably the most perfectly balanced beer for all the flavors they have going on. 10/10

TOTAL: 7.25/10

Pint Taken

Least Desirable Cities to Live InR.I.P, David Bowie and Alan RickmanOscar Nominations55 Gallons of Lube

Half Pints

Rob: The Expanse - Great new series from SyFyGary: The Goldbergs A sitcom for children of the 80′s.Jeremy: ★ by David Bowie A showman to the end. Keith: Dildos and 55 Gallons of Lube! 

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Thanks to The Poxy Boggards for the theme song, and to RoboBoogie for the awesome logo!