#199 - Convert to Raid: Release the OVERWATCH!

Tovo from Line of Sight Gaming and Sharku join this week's crew as we make that final push toward Anaheim!

With less than two weeks until Blizzcon 2015, Blizzard HQ isn't dropping a ton of news. But the news we do have is incredible, especially if you like esports. 

Activision Blizzard (the parent company) is creating a new eSports Division in the company, separate from both Activision and Blizzard Entertainment games. On top of that, they've hired top talent in key positions to help grow esports in the company. Steve Bornstein (former CEO of ESPN and NFL Network) joins as chairman while Mike Sepso (co-founder of Major League Gaming) joins as a senior VP. We assume that this means only good things for all of Blizzard's newest games, but will this help or hurt raiding in World of Warcraft?

Patch 6.2.3 is on the PTR, and there may have been some things we didn't cover as well as we should have, like cross realm Mythic raiding! But will all of the changes in the next patch be able to extend the life of Warlords of Draenor until the next expansion?

In the Battlenet News, OVERWATCH closed beta is out! The guys will give you their first impressions about the heroes, the gameplay, and the hype train that is Blizzard's latest IP. 


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Episode: http://traffic.libsyn.com/converttoraid/ctr_199.mp3