This week, returning friends Gizmozord (Lords of the Storm Podcast) and Sharku join the CtR crew!
Top World of Warcraft raiding guild Method saw some roster changes this week as players left to form a new guild, Serenity. Midwinter also lost a couple of their top players to the new guild as well, including their main tank (and friend of the show) Slootbag. What does this mean for the top raiding scene for Legion, and do these moves say anything about the raiding in Warlords of Draenor or WoW in general? The guys discuss it inside.
Also, released their Gamescom interview with Ion Hazzikostas and Tom Chilton, and it brought up several interesting questions for our panel. Should expansions be serialized or self-contained (or as raiders, do we care)? Does the progression path look interesting and fun for Legion? And has Blizzard been successful in making the most of their worlds?
In the Battlenet News, StarCraft 2 released a cinematic and announced that their next expansion, Legacy of the Void, will be released after Blizzcon on November 10th. Also, a Diablo Q&A from Reddit, a review of Rexxar in Heroes of the Storm, and looking forward to the HotS American Championship this weekend in Las Vegas.
Plus your questions, a special show announcement, and much more!
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Pat Krane - @PatKrane
Dairies - @BoredMind
Gizmo - @Gizmozord
Sharku - @Sharku_CTR