Show X - Episode 209 - Duct Tape and Hope

Ken and Wayne piece together a show today with Ken running the Audio rig and Wayne taking the Video. Somehow this all comes together and mostly works. The video ends up with a serious echo every time Wayne talks, but it gets sorted in post. Wayne is prepping for a week of work and then martial arts training, Wayne's friend opened a new Brewery, Launch Pad, which has wonderful beer! Wayne tries to run with a marathoner, but fails in the blistering Colorado heat. Ken went on a drinking binge to help celebrate Graeme's birthday, but has to deal with an angry drunk. Ken still can't legally drive... but that gives him more time to check out Orcs Must Die - Unchained. So he drew a picture to get a code. Wayne made a jump over to the new Windows 10, which the older SAM did not like... The overall install went smooth though. The guys are looking forward to better automation with Cortana.

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