Episode 200, “Let’s do the time warp fact 7 again”


Photos out: White wig, White faced alien with black wrestler mask markings, pile of broken trees.

StarTrek: The Cruise: To Launch In January 2017

STAR TREK ENCYCLOPEDIA is coming back!— trekne.ws/1IQ4hsJ pic.twitter.com/XOIAkTM36J

Casting call in Dubai for extras for new #StarTrek movie

Credit Cards To Be Released In September

trekne.ws/1K7jWF3 pic.twitter.com/13rFVBjqeI

Ten Forward:

Chris on Twitter: Is there any Trek tech that you are surprised that hasn't been invented yet?

Star Trek in pop culture:

Sent in by M'Ress: Bolt. Disney. 2008.

Episode insight: TOS: The Cage

Character insight

Subspace communications

Episode: http://media.libsyn.com/media/worldofwarcast/ThisWeekinTrekEpisode200.mp3