It Was Supposed To Be Fun: TIA Ep. 14

It was supposed to be fun! That time Herschel had "fun at Disney," Debi had "fun at a birthday party" and Jennie had "fun underwater."

The music:
Our opening and closing music is a selection from "Unlocked Door" used by permission of Alex Cook. Thank you Alex!
If you want to hear the complete songs, check out Alex Cook's bandcamp page and his website Stonebalancer

This week we used some terrific selections from The Free Music Archive, including:

"Underwater" by Town Hall
"Swine Flu Birthday" by The Mostly Bad Virus
"Ain't We Got Fun" by Van and Shenck
"Fun" by Oblivion Substanshall

Show Notes:
Thanks to our patrons for their support! Thanks to the Storybackers: Sunny G., Jeremy Clark, Robert Russell, Allen Roth, and James Thatcher.
And special thanks to the Starting Story Lineup: Patrick Kohn, Preston Monroe, Cory, Louise Martzinek,  Ander Lund,  Benjamin White,  Mike Escutia, Linda Thompson,  Terry Cook, John H. Maloney, Patrick Wolfe, Chimaera, Greg Skinner, Taylor Karras and Jeffrey Zylks!
Form: The 3fer: Three people, three stories, one theme and let's see if they connect.
Theme: "It was supposed to be fun!"
Storytellers: Herschel Bleefeld, Debi Bradshaw and Jennie Josephson
Part One: Herschel Bleefeld "Last Call for Nords!"
Part Two:  Debi Bradshaw "Pump It Up!"
Part Three: Jennie Josephson, "The Best Turkey Sandwich Ever"
Behind the story:  More to come!
