#76 - The Angry Chicken: "Into the Depths"

On The Angry Chicken episode 76, Blackrock Mountain is here. The first wing of Hearthstone's newest Adventure, Blackrock Depths, has released and injected six new cards into the game. Grim Patron, Emperor Thaurissan, and Gang Up are already making some huge waves in the meta. The Mage class blew the TAC crew's minds. Also this week Bane of Doom and Warsong Commander were fixed, Mill Rogue is blowing up, listener Mike shares his Crazy Game Story, and many email from the TAC community!

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You can email the show at TACpodcast@gmail.com. 

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VODs can be found on the Amove Youtube at http://Youtube.com/starcastshow 

The Angry Chicken is podcast about all things Hearthstone. Garrett, Dills, and Jocelyn cover news, strategies, crazy game stories, and take your emails every week. Jobs done!