#518 Periscope, Apple Watch Buying Experience, Don McAllister is the master, Serotek for the Blind

Live video broadcasting via Periscope on iOS. I walk you through the fun we had ordering the Apple Watch and then trying them on at the Apple Store and finally playing with the new 12" Retina Macbook. We Periscoped our fun trying on the Apple Watch too so you can watch that over at the website. I explain in video why Don McAllister is the master in a very short video here. In Chit Chat Across the Pond I talk to Mike Calvo and Matt Campbell from the company Serotek. Their company creates assistive websites for blind people to be able to access social media tools like Facebook. The reason we're talking today is because Facebook is going to abandon the API they've been using that allows them to make Facebook accessible to more people. It's an interesting discussion of technology that I hope you'll enjoy.

Episode: http://media.blubrry.com/nosillacast/traffic.libsyn.com/nosillacast/NC_2015_04_11.mp3