#71 - The Angry Chicken: "Blackrock and Roll!"

On the 71st episode of The Angry Chicken Blackrock Mountain is coming! Hearthstone's newest Adventure will be arriving next month and is bringing 17 bosses and 31 new cards. Hearthstone on the iPhone was also previewed, there was a WCS debacle, Dills breaks down basic HS terminology, Sebastian shares a Crazy Game Story, and Mark wants more MagicAmy info. You can support The Angry Chicken by going to http://www.patreon.com/tac. You can email the show at TACpodcast@gmail.com. Follow us on http://Twitch.tv/amovetv for the live shows. VODs can be found on the Amove Youtube at http://Youtube.com/starcastshow

Episode: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/theangrychicken/~5/XBlrCM5tAFk/tac-episode_71.mp3