#504 ATR2100 Mic Shootout, HISY Wireless Remote Shutter, Drafts V4, Play iOS Audio and Video Through Your Mac, Pat Dengler on Apple Consulting

#504 ATR2100 Mic Shootout, HISY Wireless Remote Shutter, Drafts V4, Play iOS Audio and Video Through Your Mac, Pat Dengler on Apple Consulting

Audio shootout to see if the $60 Audio Audio-Technica ATR2100 Microphone Compare to a Heil PR-40. Next up a review of the $16 HISY Wireless Remote Shutter for iPhone. Kirschen Seah from FreeRangeCoder.com joins us with a review of Drafts from AgileTortoise.com. I tell you my tale of woe about my Undead iPad and why I love AppleCare. I came up with an awesome tip on how to listen to content on your iOS device through your Mac's speakers, without spending a dime! (Tutorial here). In Chit Chat Across the Pond, Apple Consultant Pat Dengler from www.denglerconsulting.com joins us to explain what an Apple Consultant is, how to become one and talks a little bit about the challenges and fun she has doing it.

3Episode: http://www.podfeet.com/blog/2015/01/504/

4Episode: http://media.blubrry.com/nosillacast/traffic.libsyn.com/nosillacast/NC_2015_01_03.mp3