On this week's Into the Nexus, Chen Stormstout breaks the door down with a massive Tech Alpha patch. The new furry drunkard has an extremely fun kit. New master skins are also in the game, BlizzCon's Virtual Ticket revealed digital Heroes swag, Tyrande is making life hard for Abathur, and the crew takes more listener emails. If you would like to send an email, you can do so at ITNcast@gmail.com. Into the Nexus is supported by our wonderful patrons via Patreon! If you would like to help support the show go to Patreon.com/ITN. Follow http://Twitch.tv/amovetv for the live show and game streams. All VODs of the live recording can be found at Youtube.com/starcastshow.
Episode: http://thestarcast.com/shows/itn/itn-20.mp3