#478 LastPass vs 1Password, NEET Sleeve, Top 5 Mac Apps, Olivia Solon from WIRED

Go see Particle Fever at particlefever.com. I walk you through the path to try and transfer my data from LastPass to 1Password, and how the 1Password support failed and then excelled. Mark Pouley gives us a review of the NEET Sleeve to protect your Lightning cables. We're back on the Top 5 List, this week with my Top 5 Mac Apps including Adium from adium.im, the built in Mac app Image Capture to get room on your iPhone, Drop Shadow from delsolsoftware.com, and a surprise twist when I don't pick Skitch from Evernote, and the top 5 is wrapped up with Audio Hijack Pro from rogueamoeba.com. in Chit Chat Across the Pond we're joined to Olivia_Solon, Deputy Editor of Wired.co.uk to talk about STEM education in the UK.

Episode: http://media.blubrry.com/nosillacast/traffic.libsyn.com/nosillacast/NC_2014_07_06.mp3