The Geek I/O Show: Episode 62 - Beelze-boob-tube Glasswhore

This week on The Geek I/O Show, the boats are on vacation! So, Jared (the hostess with the mostest, where's the creamy filling), Alexandra and Dale are joined by the Podcasting Ghostrider, Jeffrey Powers (aka beelze-boob-tube from geekazine and the Podcasters Community on G+.

This week we discussed; The Adopt a Podcaster Foundation, the magical adventures to find a new doctor, still playing Skyrim, The spider is still outside Dale's window, Being in a swamp, Continuum is good, Getting flat tires on road trips are no fun for anyone, Taking advantage of garage sale season and attempting to find a new owner of some Starwars collectibles. This week we Geek Out about Google Glass and EVERYTHING ELSE! (including movies with the worst openings of all time!)

Stop installing your butt and take a listen! This Bitch is Phat!
