DTNS 2235 – Trial by Comcast

Justin Robert Young and Nilay Patel join us to talk about the FCC’s notice for proposed rulemaking regarding the Open Internet. Is the Internet f**ed?


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Show Notes

Today’s guest: Nilay Patel, managing editor of Vox.com & Justin Robert Young of Night Attack & Weird Things podcast

  • The US FCC held a meeting today in which they discussed expanding spectrum for the use of wireless microphones. Also net neutrality came up which was really just them asking a bunch of vague questions about what they should do and giving everybody 4 months to come up with an answer for them. Slackers.
  • Business Week reports Xiaomi announced its first tablet and a 4K television on Thursday. The MiPad will come in six colors and cost around $240 for a version with 16 gigabytes, and $275 for a version with 64 gigabytes. The new version of the MiTV will be a 49-inch 4K TV with external speakers for around $645. Both products run the MiUI, which is a customized version of Android. 
  • The BBC reports that after a European court ruled individuals can force removal of "irrelevant and outdated" links from search results, Google has received fresh requests. A politician seeking re-election wants links about his behavior in office removed. A man convicted of child abuse also wants links to stories about his conviction removed. To be clear the court rules links from search engines should be taken down but the stories themselves cannot be removed at the source. Google has not indicated how they will respond. 
  • The Next Web reports FourSquare has launched iOS and Android versions of a new app called Swarm. If you're confused because you thought FourSquare's Foursquare app did check-ins, you're wrong. They are removing check-ins from FourSquare, so if you want to check in to places, you need to download Swarm. And in Swarm even lets you skip checking in by enabling passive tracking, which you may have already experienced a version of courtesy of the NSA. Swarm is meant to help you find nearby friends and see if places are swarming. Enjoy.
  • GigaOm reports HTC announced the HTC One Mini 2. It's a smaller 4.5-inch version of the M8 with the same design and aluminum-heavy build, but without the special depth-sensing camera. It also has a Snapdragon 400 processor instead of the M8's 801. The One Mini 2 will be available in grey, silver, and gold, when it goes on sale in June. No price was announced.
  • CNET reports FlappyBird creator Dong Nguyen told CNBC Wednesday that the game will return, possibly as soon as this August. The updated version will allow players to compete with others in real time. Nguyen also said the game will be less addictive this time. Something that bothered him about the original.
News From You
  • tekkyn00b sent us the TechCrunch article about OpenDNS getting $35 million in funding from investors. Since 2005 the company has offered an alternative way to resolve domain names. That's good if you want to avoid ads from your ISP on pages not found, as well as providing potential security benefits. The company also runs a service called Umbrella that protects business users any place they connect tot he Internet on any device, without haing to install local hardware.
  • A user named geewhipped posted this Mashable story to the subreddit. Google announced a partnership with Zix on Thursday to bring a product called Google Apps Message Encryption aka GAME. For $35 a year the service encrypts email end-to-end. Unlike the previous Google Message Encryption product, which was part of Postini, GAME integrates with Google Apps directly. No need to log into Postini. 
Discussion Section Links: I give you the F.C.C.
Friday’s guests: Darren Kitchen and Len Peralta