- Find all of the games, products, apps & just about everything else we have discussed on the show in our Amazon Store
- Need help picking out a baby name? Try Juxtaname
- The Grandparent Handbook
- The iPad has just becoming one of Mateo’s toys. Great article on the Touchscreen generation
- How to calculating your bedtime & the 90 Minute rule
- Child Airplane Travel Harness
Toddler Translation
- Thank you Kichelle for sending it clips of little Ben!
- Do you a mp3 or video you want to send in to be on the show? Email us at nerdparents at gmail dot com and be sure to let Nicole know the word your little toddler is saying
Family Game Night!
- From Nicole: Sneak HD (thank you Kichelle) – $1.99 & Endless Numbers – Free with $2.99 in app purchase
- From SamJane: ABCmouse.com
- From John: Playdough: Toy Time Race Game, Clue Jr., Qwirkle, Concentration and Nabi
- Thanks to Dan from GeekAllStars for his game recommendation at the end of the show: Ticket to Ride & the 1910 expansion (BIG CARDS!)
- Thanks to Noelle & Charles for their questions and emails on Solicited Advice
- Have a question you want answered in Solicited Advice or a kids band you’d like to hear on the show? Head over to our contact form and write to us! You can also follow us on Twitter @NerdParents.
- You can also find SamJane, John, & Nicole on Twitter too!
- Don’t forget to use the code NERDS for 10% off your order from Chocolateness.us
- Also if you haven’t already be sure to subscribe in iTunes and leave us a review!
- Disclosure: Some links go to Amazon and purchasing through the link supports the show! Thank you!
Episode: http://www.podtrac.com/pts/redirect.mp3/archive.org/download/NPEp15WhatsInAName/NP%20-%20Ep%2015%20-%20What%27s%20In%20A%20Name.mp3