Episode 148 – Preparing

Coming to you, from Louisville, KY!  It's the ValentineCast with your Preparing couple, J and Renee Valentine.

Intro Music - Who Loves Me by Pretty Lights – http://www.prettylightsmusic.com/#/home
Today is March 10, 2014 and this is Episode 148!

Weekend Wrap-up
Daylight Savings Time
Spread the Old School NY Pizza Love
Curled up with the TV!
Shaving dilemma
Room clean up Sold Mics and custard…mmmm custard
Arcade Expo (but I didn't go) and Matt's t-shirt
Wizard World – Louisville

148_PreparingMedia (Movies, Games, Books, Television Shows, Music)
Movies By Chance:   Flight (Valentine Chat)
Movie for Next Week: Flight (Valentine Chat)
Big Bang Theory
Diablo 3
Watch Dogs has a release date!
Warlord's of Draenor preorders are open!

Weight Loss Update – Week 82
J :  0  ;  Total: 110.2
Renee:  0  ; 90
Total –   0  ; Grand Total: 200.2
Frogpants total – 176 people have lost 1246.5 pounds. That's 7.08 pounds per person.
Lose It Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/FrogpantsLoseit/

Odds and Ends (Bumper provided by Johnny Feisty)
Nikki Moore aka Xabi! (Today)
Samantha Jane (Wednesday)
Jennifer Mayeux (Wednesday)
Kas K. aka Bonsai (Friday)
Josh Williams (Saturday)
Mary Ducette (Saturday)
Renee (Saturday)

Pick of the Week
Patreon for Andrew Allen (@KeyswithSoul)

Contact Information
You can reach us by email at thevalentinecast@gmail.com. You can also see our blog at valentinecast.com.  The podcast Twitter feed is ValentineCast. The facebook page is facebook.com/Valentinecast You can also call us at (415) 758-2278 Video can be seen at http://youtube.com/ValentineCast  J's Twitter feed is theCaoboi and Renee's twitter feed is theIceflow.

Outro Music:  Pretty Lights – If I Gave You My Love from the Pretty Lights Music

Episode: http://atvalentine.podbean.com/mf/web/rujpga/Episode148.mp3|titles=ValentineCast