Fundraiser Update

Todd here. I wanted to keep you all updated on the implementation of all of the new site features that everyone donated so generously to.

New Hosted Streaming Servers: Fully implemented. 24/7 streaming servers for talk channel 1 and 2 are up and running at a proper datacenter. New control panels for live show hosts have also been installed, to make going on and off air for live shows easier. New copy of SAM Broadcaster set up on server 2 to provide 24/7 streaming on Talk Channel 2 between live shows.

New Front-Page Pop-Out Players: Fully implemented for all streams. Re-designed player that does not rely solely on Flash, and should work properly on most desktop and mobile browsers. Also retrofit with the new players.

Second Talk Radio Channel: Fully implemented and streaming now. Starting to place live shows on it when their broadcast times conflict with existing show. Added to mobile app.

Coverville Radio Music Channel: Server and SAM Broadcaster software fully implemented, music library still in the process of being imported. Channel is online and streaming. Over 2000 songs already available, with many more to come. Partnered with Brian Ibbott to have him curate the server, allowing for access to a greatly expanded pool of artists. The web-based song request tool is operational and available HERE.

Special Events Channel: Fully implemented and awaiting our first Special Event, which should be the live streaming of the guest panels from Phoenix Comicon 2014.

Podcast Incubator: Partially implemented. The show hosting framework is in place. Still working on a home page and the dedicated SHOUTcast live stream server for new and developing shows. If you are interested in trying your hand at podcasting, and want to take advantage of this, please email with information about the show you wish to develop.

Thanks go out to all of our donators. None of this would have been possible without your support.

Thank you, and enjoy!
