Friday the 14th Interview: The Doubleclicks!

Please join us on Talk Channel 2 on Friday, February 14th at 11:30AM Mountain time for an interview with Angela and Aubrey Webber. You may remember them from our coverage of w00tstock, for they were awesome! Be sure to be logged in to IRC to participate in Q&A during the show.

The Doubleclicks are a pair of sisters — Angela and Aubrey Webber — who sing about Dungeons & Dragons, dinosaurs, and Mr. Darcy. They play cello and ukulele. They have been called snarky, geeky, and sweet. Their latest album, Lasers & Feelings, includes songs about Mars Curiosity, meeting people on the Twitter, and Geek Girl pride, and debuted in the top 10 on the Billboard comedy charts. Their single for that album, a geek girl anthem called “Nothing to Prove” has been viewed over 1 million times on YouTube. The Doubleclicks tour the country regularly, playing at game stores, comic shops, and conventions, and have shared bills with nerd and comedy superstars including Jonathan Coulton, Paul and Storm and Wil Wheaton.