New LIVE shows

We are happy to announce that three of the shows which had previously been available only on the 24/7 stream will now be steaming their episodes LIVE on Alpha Geek Radio. Please welcome:

Amove Radio  is the audio-only podcast where the Amove crew talk video games, eSports, a lot of Blizzard news and generally just geek out. Garrett Weinzierl, Kyle Fergusson and Ben Zweifel host Amove Radio.

The Angry Chicken Show: A podcast that cracks 40 packs, throws down a 1/1 chicken w/ a +5 Enrage, all the while keeping you up to date on everything going on in the world of Hearthstone. Garrett Weinzierl (StarCast), William "Dills" Gregory (The Instance), and Jocelyn Moffett (The Gamers' Inn) together host The Angry Chicken

StarCast: A weekly podcast hosted by Garrett (@GarrettArt) and Kyle (@KyleFergusson) centered around a casual-friendly community that has been running since the SC2 Beta.

The schedule of LIVE shows can always be found HERE.
