As we approach the beginning of the 2012 convention season, we would like to ask for your assistance with some of the new plans we have.
For our first convention, **[Phoenix Comicon][1]**, we would like to build recording kits to cover additional conference rooms and panels. Each kit consists of:
* One Zoom H1 digital recorder - $99.99
* One Zoom H1 accesory kit - $25.00
* One XLR-to-3.5mm stereo cable - $10.00
* One security case with lock down cable - $22.00
* Two 32GB Micro SD memory cards - $44.00
Each complete kit we are able to assemble will allow us to record an additional room's worth of panels for the duration of the convention, resulting in a lot more content for all of you to enjoy.
Additionally, the H1 recorders will allow more of our staff at future conventions to each have their own dedicated recorder to carry with them at all times, instead of having to share the single unit.
Beyond Phoenix Comicon this year, we are also planning on covering:
* **[Nerdtacular 2012][2]**
* **[w00tst0ck 4.0][3]**
* **[PAX Prime 2012][4]**
* BlizzGONE 2012
Donations above and beyond what are needed for PHXCC recording kits will be used to help offset the travel and lodging costs for team members covering out of town conventions.
Please us the above ChipIn widget to contribute if you wish to. We greatly appreciate any assistance you can offer, and we look forward to bringing you more great content from conventions this year.
Thank you!
The Casually Hardcore team