AG Radio Episode 40 - Phoenix Comicon 2011 - Movies of 2011 to 2013 with Gareth Von Kallenbach

Gareth Von Kallenbach is a syndicated movie & game critic, writer, author and frequent radio guest. on the Top Rated BJ Shea Morning Experience Show where he is the film and game guy for the show. His work has appeared in over 60 publications worldwide and he is the creator of the rising entertainment site "Skewed and Reviewed" as well as the quarterly Skewed and Reviewed magazine

He has three books of film, game reviews and interviews published and is a well-received and in demand speaker on the convention circuit. Gareth has appeared in movies such as Postal, Far Cry, Love Happens, Prefontaine, Drugs, and more and has recently voiced a character for the upcoming POSTAL 3 video game. Gareth is currently working on a original project called Alien Zombies from Beyond
